Muhammad As'ad


This article is the summary of research on the oldest boarding school in
South Sulawesi : As 'adiyah. It aims to describe its religious view, lecture,
learning system, networks and relation with society.
Result shows that As'adiyah boarding school embraces Ahlusunnah
wal Jamaah based on Imam Syafi' teachings. It can be categorized, as
"moderate group " applying tawazun and tasamuh principles to solve
religious issues.
It is the oldest and parent boarding school where the alumni have also
built many other boarding schools in other areas and formed a vast
network. The relationship between them is not formal but emotional,
mainly based on its religious system and views. The network is not only
limited to its own branch, but also to DDI's and to those developed by its
alumni and strengthened by the establishment of As'adiyah and DDI
both as formal religious and social organisations.
The network with other boarding schools, communities and other institutions
is much depended on its leader (kiyai) as a center of all their
activities. His charisma and popularity is the main factor in increasing
the popularity of, mainly among primordial community, and their interest
to the boarding school.


As 'adiyah boarding school, religious view, network

Full Text:


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31969/alq.v15i2.498


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