Author Guideline

  1. The article has not been previously published in other journals or other places
  2. The article should be written in Bahasa Indonesia, English (United State of America English) Or Arabic with a formal style and structure. This is because it is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal, so that an oral and informal language would not be accepted
  3. The article should be written in word document (MS word), 1 space (single space), 11 pt. Times New Roman.
  4. The article should be written between approximately 5,000 – 8,000 words including body text, all tables, figures, notes, and the reference list.
  5. The article has to be an original work of the author/s
  6. The author/s have responsibility to check thoroughly the accuracy of citation, grammar, table and figures before submission.
  7. The author/s has responsibility to revise their article after receiving a review from the editorial boards.
  8. The author/s should register at the e-journal of Al-Qalam before submitting their paper and fill the form completely.
  9. The article should be submitted via online submission at the e-journal of Al-Qalam
  10. The articles will be reviewed by editorial boards.
  11. The author should use a “template” provided by Al-Qalam Journal (it can be downloaded from the OJS Template website) to write their article.


       Structure Of The Article

  1. Title
    • Title should be clear, short and concise that depicts the main concern of the article
    • The title should be maximum 18 words in Indonesian and English.
    • Title should contain the main variable of the research
    • The title reflects the contents of the article. font Times New Roman; size 12pt (title); Bold; Uppercase; single space
  1. Name of the author/s
    • The author/s name should be typed below the title of the article without academic title
    • The author/s address (affiliation address) should be typed below the name of the author/s
    • The author/s email address should be typed below the author/s address
    • If the author is more than one writer, the next authors are written down in order.
  1. Abstract and key words
    • Abstract is the summary of article that consists of background of the study, data collecting method, data analysis method, research findings.
    • Abstract should be written in one paragraph, single space and in italic
    • Abstract should be no more than 250 words, Times New Roman (TNR), size 10pt (italic)
    • The word “abstract” should be typed in bold, capital letter and italic
    • Key words should consist of 3-5 words or phrases.
    • Key words should be typed in italic, size font 10
  1. Introduction

           It consists of background statement, issues, or formulation of the problem, as well as the purpose and   benefits of the research. Keep your Introduction to be very concise, well structured, and inclusive of all the information needed to follow the development of your findings. Do not over-burden the reader by making the introduction too long. Get to the key parts other paper sooner rather than later. It is typed in all capitals (bold, 12 size, Times New Roman font). The instroduction is typed in capital letters.

  1. Literature Review

           State the selecting analysis of existing researches or literatures which is relevant to the topic of your article, describe how it relates to your writing and then explain how your article might fill the gap and answers some questions in this field of study.

  1. Conceptual Framework

           State the relevant theory and conceptual framework that would be used for analyzing the data.

  1. Research Method

           The research method describes: the approach, scope or object, operational variable definition/research focus description, place, population and sample/informant, main materials and tools, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.

  1. Discussion

           Discussion consists of the research findings, including description of the collected data, analysis of the data, and interpretation of the data using the relevant theory. The research results are presented in full and in accordance with the scope of the study. The results of the research can be completed with tables, graphs (images), and / or charts. Tables and figures are numbered and titled. The results of the data analysis were interpreted correctly.

  1. Closing

            The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points. It is important that the conclusion does not leave the question unanswered.

  1. Acknowledgement

          Acknowledge anyone who has helped you with the study, including: Researchers who supplied materials, reagents, or computer programs; anyone who helped with the writing or English, or offeredcritical comments about the content, or anyone who provided technical help. State why people have been acknowledged and ask their permission. Acknowledge sources of funding, including any grant or reference numbers. Please avoid apologize for doing a poor job of presenting the manuscript. (e.g., providing language help, or proof reading the article, etc.).

  1. How to present table
  • Title of the table should be typed above the table and align text to the left, 9 pt font Times New Roman.
  • The word “table” and “number of the table” should be typed in bold, while title of the table should not be typed in bold (normal).
  • Numbering for the title of table should use an Arabic word (1, 2, 3, and so forth)
  • Table should be appeared align text to the left.
  • To write the content of the table, it should be typed in 9pt font Times New Roman, 1.0 space.
  • Table should not be presented in picture, it should be type in real table-office word formatting
  • Source of the table should be typed below the table, align text to center, 9pt font Times New Roman.
  1. How to present picture, graph, photo, and diagram
  • Picture, graph, figure, photo and diagram should be placed at the center
  • Number and title should be typed above the picture, graph, figure, photo and diagram.
  • Number and the word of the picture, graph, figure, photo and diagram should be typed in bold, 10 pt Times New Roman and at the Centre, while title of them should be typed in normal (not bold).
  • Number of the picture, graph, figure, photo and diagram should use an Arabic word (1, 2, 3 and so forth).
  • Source of the picture, graph, figure, photo and diagram should be typed below the table, align text to the left, 10 pt font TNR.
  • Picture, graph, figure, photo, and diagram should not be in colorful type, and in high resolution, minimum 300-dpi/1600 pixel (should be in white and black, or grey).
  1. Citation and Referencing system

           All notes in the article must appear in the text as citations. A citation usually requires only the last name of the author(s), year of publication, and, sometimes, page numbers. For example: (Nasrun, 2020; Muslim, 2021). Explanatory footnotes may be included. All works cited must appear in the reference list at the end of the article. In matter of citation and bibliographical style, Al-Qalam follows the American Sociological Association (ASA) style. The references should use a reference application management such as Mendeley.

Examples Citation and References List: 

Journal Article:

Javanese Islam (Ricklefs, 2014)

Ricklefs (2014) said that...

Ricklefs, M. C. 2002. Yogyakarta Di Bawah Sultan Mangkubumi 1749-1792. Yogyakarta: Mata Bangsa.

Ricklefs, M. C. 2014. “Rediscovering Islam in Javanese History.” Studia Islamika 21(3):397-418.


(Ricklefs, 2002)

Ricklefs, M. C. 2002. Yogyakarta Di Bawah Sultan Mangkubumi 1749-1792. Yogyakarta:

Mata Bangsa.

Book Chapter/Section

(Slama, 2014)

Slama, Martin. 2014. “From Wali Songo to Wali Pitu: The Travelling of Islamic Saint Veneration to Bali.” Pp. 112–43 in Between Harmony and Discrimination: Negotiating Religious Identities within Majority-Minority Relationships in Bali and Lombok, edited by B. Hauser-Schäublin and D. D. Harnish. London and Boston.

Newspaper Article

(Ghufron, 2017)

Ghufron, Fathorrahman. 2017. “Menumbuhkan Literasi Agama.” Kompas, April 12, 6.

Web Page

(Gallop, 2014)

Gallop, Annabel Teh. 2014. “Asian and African Studies Blog Malay Manuscripts on Chinese Paper.” Asian and African Studies Blog, British Library 18–23. Retrieved


on-chinese paper.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign= Feed: +asian-and-african+(Asia+and+Africa)).

(Tepas Tandha Yekti, 2018)

Tepas Tandha Yekti. 2018. “Sejarah Dokumentasi Visual Keraton Yogyakarta.” Retrieved

February 3, 2019 (


Note: For a complete citation and reference style, the author should look at the reference application (Mendeley), such as proceeding, working paper, laws, regulations, interviews, and theses / dissertations.

Transliteration system

Arabic romanization should be written as follows:

Letters: ’, b, t, th, j, ḥ, kh, d, dh, r, z, s, sh, á¹£, ḍ, á¹­, ẓ, ‘, gh, f, q, l, m, n, h, w, y. Short vowels: a, i, u. long vowels: ā, Ä«, Å«. Diphthongs: aw, ay. Tā marbūṭā: t. Article: al-. For detail information on Arabic Romanization, please refer the transliteration system of the Library of Congress (LC) Guidelines:, or

To type Arabic romanization, you simply copy the list of letters